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History Lessons By Teachers

Old School, New School

Created by christine bresnahan

Grade Level(s): lower elementary (K - 3)
Historical Era(s): New Nation 1750 - 1800, Expansion 1800 - 1860, Civil War Era 1860 - 1880
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, Art, US History

"Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations. Part I."

Wooden inkwell

"Cabinet of Nature"

Excerpts from the Diary of Ellen Louisa Arms (Sheldon)

"The New McGuffey Second Reader"

Front matter 1
Nathan Loomis' Copy Book

Page 14
"New England Primer"

Summary and Objective

Students will examine objects from the website and find objects in their school which might correspond with those objects. Students will understand that schools long ago were different from how schools are now, and yet there were elements that were the same. Students will use photos of their present school. They will compare and these photos with photos from the American Centuries site, as well as from other websites and a local historical society (or a local one room school house) to create a book comparing and contrasting "Old" schools with their "New" school.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will examine and discuss photos of books children used in school, other tools they may have used, photos of schools themselves, clothing from the past and other artifacts.

Step 2. Have students view the websites below to see what a one room school looks like. Have the students collect pictures of artifacts that would have been used in a one room school.

Step 3. Students will tour their present school and, with the teacher, take photos of the facilities and materials they use.

Step 4. Student will choose items from the online collection and photos from their field trip, then work together to label those items and write a simple book entitled "Old School, New School."

Web Site: One Room Schoolhouse sources

Web Site: A complete lesson plan with some neat activities and photos of artifacts

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