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History Lessons By Teachers

Interpreting American History through Art

Created 21 May 2010 by Beaulieu Scott

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6), middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914
Content Area(s): Art, US History

Memorial - 52nd Massachusetts Volunteers

William Montague (1760-1839)

"Allies, Arise!"

"Returning to the Manse as a Ghost"


Schoolroom at the Mill and Bars: Recitation Day

Embroidery of Mount Vernon

"Examination of Witnesses in a Trial for Witchcraft"

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that, after viewing specific art pieces it is possible to interpret the meaning and the historical point of view of the art work .

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Have students view only the piece of artwork found at link 1 by Peale. (3 minutes)

Step 2. Have students list 20 details from memory after viewing the painting. (5 minutes)

Step 3. Students may then view the painting again. The teacher will then write on the board, "What is the story in the painting?" Have students write as much as they can. Have them try to discuss, 1) what time period the painting is about. Give these dates, 1600-1650, 1650-1700,1700-1750, 1750-1800, 1800-1850, 1850-1900, 1900-1950, or 1950-present. Also ask them to discuss what event or events could be portrayed in the painting, or what certain details from the painting might mean historically. (10 minutes)

Step 4. Discuss the observations and write all responses on the board. (10 minutes)

Step 5. The teacher will then explain the specifics of the Peale painting in terms of historical connections using the information found on the assigned website and compare it to the responses on the board. (10 minutes)

Step 6. Have students get into groups of four. Pass out enlarged print outs of the pictures included with this lesson. Have groups pick one of the pictures and complete steps 1-4. Then discuss their ideas and compare them to some actual histories for the two pictures chosen for the reinforcement and practice part of the lesson.

Step 7. Final Assessment for whole class: Connect to the Manifest Destiny website and complete steps 1-5 with the students. The teacher coud also build a basic rubric to see if students are progessing in their analytical skills.

Step 8. Additional Activity: Have students take one of the lists of 20 details and write a poem based on the painting they were about.

Web Site: Peale painting

Web Site: Manifest Destiny painting

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