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History Lessons By Teachers

Meet me at the Fair!

Created 21 May 2010 by Debra Collins

Grade Level(s): middle school (7 - 9), high school (10 - 12)
Historical Era(s): Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History

Franklin County Agricultural Society Membership of Lester L. Luey

Jerry "The Avery Steer" Banner at the Fair

New Entrance to the Live Wire Fair

Jerry with Rocking Chair

Coliseum Building, Eastern States Exposition

Old State House and Midway, Eastern States Expo.

Summary and Objective

Students will understand the reasons behind the formation of agricultural societies. Students will understand that agricultural fairs were an important part of the social fabric of rural communities. They will discover that there are similaritities in the reasons why people, past and present, attend the fairs.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. As part of an ongoing unit, students will read Chapter 12 of "A Day No Pigs Would Die", by Robert Newton Peck, where Rob visits the Rutland Fair.

Step 2. Discuss Rob's experiences. What kinds of things did he see? What did he want to do? What were Mr.& Mrs. Tanner doing while they were there?

Step 3. Have a brainstorming session listing reasons why people attend the Franklin County Fair.

Step 4. Discuss topics and group them into catagories such as entertainment, seeing new things, showing off their work, (animals,food products,handiwork,etc)socializing

Step 5. Students view online collection and links in order to discover what the purpose of fairs was in early days, what they contained, and why they were popular.

Step 6. As a group, discuss what they discovered. Compare and contrast past and present,for example, the types of exhibits presented,contests,food,entertainment, etc.

Step 7. Students make an poster or brochure advertising a fair, either a present day one, or one from the past.

Web Site: History of Tri-County Fair, Northampton

Web Site: History of the Eastern States Exposition

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