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History Lessons By Teachers

Colonial Tradesmen

Created by Kristen Naglieri

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Expansion 1800 - 1860
Content Area(s): World History, English Language Arts, Economics

"Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations. Part I."

Summary and Objective

Students will understand that there were various trades of the 1800's and how interdependent these Early American Tradesmen were on one another and their community. Through this lesson, students will use primary sources and secondary sources so that when the students are finished researching their trade, they will be able to write a research paper, create a diorama and create a shop sign for their shop that represents their trade.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. Students will choose a trade that was important during the colonial times from the book, Little Jack of All Trades, with Suitable Representations, Part 1. Trades include basketmaker, blacksmith, cabinetmaker, carpenter, cobbler, cooper, hatter, miller, and wheelwright and will be printed on to fifteen index cards. On the back of each card there will be page numbers that refer to the specific pages on each trade. For example, Cooper, pp. 60-62, Weaver, pp. 63-66.

Step 2. Students will be divided into pairs. Each pair will pick a card with a trade and corresponding page numbers on it.

Step 3. What type of work did the tradesman do?, What type of tools and materials were used?, How did the people in the community or other tradesmen depend on them? Other interesting facts about their tradesman.

Step 4. Students will continue researching, the above questions, on their Early American Tradesmen using websites during Computer Class as well as selected library books during Library Class.

Step 5. Students will take the information they researched and write a report (during their Language Arts Class / Homework), construct a diorama of their shop (for homework), and make a shop sign (for homework) that represents their trade.

Step 6. Culminating Activity: Students will present their reports and projects to the class (during Social Studies Class) so that everyone can understand and appreciate the different trades that existed during the Colonial Period and how interdependent these Early American Tradesmen were on one another and their community.

Web Site: Old Sturbridge Village---trades

Web Site: Colonial Williamsburg Trades

Web Site: Trades and Craftsmen

Web Site: About Job During the Colonial Times

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