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History Lessons By Teachers

Bridging the Gaps Scavenger Hunt

Created by Kevin White

Grade Level(s): upper elementary (4 - 6)
Historical Era(s): Civil War Era 1860 - 1880, Progressive Era 1880 - 1914, Two World Wars 1914 - 1945, Contemporary Era 1945 to present
Content Area(s): English Language Arts, US History, Geography, Economics, Civics/Government

Avenue A, Turners Falls, Mass.

The Bridge, Lake Pleasant, Mass.

Upper Suspension Bridge and View of Riverside, From Prospect Street, Turners Falls, Mass.

Title page
"Trolley Wayfinder"

Lower Suspension Bridge, Turners Falls, Mass.

Old Stone Mill, Turner's Falls, Mass.


"Turners Falls, Mass"

Summary and Objective

This is a Digital Collection "scavenger hunt"! Students will navigate and explore the Digital Collection to "find" specific pieces of information about objects in the collection. The activity is designed to increase students' familiarity with the American Centuries web site and strengthen internet research skills.

Teaching Plan

Step 1. How many feet long was the Upper Suspension Bridge that once connected Turners Falls and Gill, Massachusetts?

Step 2. In what town was the Old Stone Mill really located?

Step 3. In what year was Avenue A connected to the newly built Turners Falls-Gill Bridge?

Step 4. The Lower Suspension Bridge once connected what two towns?

Step 5. Turners Falls was a planned industrial community founded by a group of businessmen in 1867. Why were most factories built right next to the river?

Step 6. Why did Montague's village of Turners Falls experience more dramatic growth than its other villages during the 1870s?

Step 7. The Lower Suspension Bridge was replaced with a beam bridge after it was damaged during the flood of what year?

Step 8. How many hours did it take to ride on the trolley from Turners Falls to Springfield, Massachusetts in 1909?

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